Grading Syllabus
The current Satomi Kai Kyu-grade Syllabus, from 5th kyu (Yellow Belt), to 2nd Kyu (Blue belt) can be downloaded below.
We as a club have a certain amount of autonomy in controlling the grading criteria this far. From 1st Kyu and above, grading structure is strictly controlled by the Kai Shin Kai.
We are happy for people to buy uniforms and equipment from wherever they like. We do however have an excellent arrangement with BlitzSport, one of the UK’s premier martial arts suppliers.
The Blitz range can be viewed at their web site HERE. If you order through us however, our prices on Aikido gear are much better than list price.
There are a number of books available on Aikido. Some are better than others. Many are simply better suited to different stages.
The link below gives you a pre-prepared reading list. There are many other books available of course, but this is a great place to start.
Computer Aided Aikido
The following item isn’t cheap (about 50 quid), but as a study aid, I can heartily recommend a software package called Aikido 3D.
It has a fairly wide range of attacks and techniques which, unlike DVDs, can be played forwards or backwards. It can be slowed down. You can fly around the action to get exactly the view you want. You can turn the hakamas on or off. It leaves footprints, so you can examine the steps. It even optionally shows the direction of centre projection. All of this is accompanied by clear verbal explanations.
There are a good deal of Aikido DVDs available, but their availability in the UK varies from day to day. Often they come up on Amazon, but fleetingly enough that I have chosen not to include direct links. Instead, I’ll make some recommendations and show some samples. You can choose the one you feel best suits,
My personal recommendations for rounded sets of instructional DVDs are two-fold. Both include a good combination of both unarmed and weapon instruction.
Firstly, and my personal favourite, is Shoji Nishio. Sadly passed away now, Shoji Nishio recorded a multi-volume set of Aikido DVDs as a kind of legacy of his teaching. I love these.
Secondly, I recommend Mitsugi Saotome. He has produced a number of excellent DVDs, and we often recommend his Principles of Aikido as a great starter DVD for new members.
Here are a few videos of the 31 count jo kata that students may find useful for reference:
A final mention goes to a one-off DVD about Ukemi (breakfalling), by Ellis Amdur. Ukemi From The Ground Up is a great no-nonsense guide to taking care of yourself in training. It is filmed during a seminar, but has good production values. Sadly, I can’t find a clip of this one.